This last year.

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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This last year.

Postby Recidivism » Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:36 am

This past year I really learned what the true world was.

On and off Pain killers/Pot/Cigarettes, relationship problems, graduation and other shit.

So my past year I had a rough time in my life but I am doing much better now.

Junior year I was very happy a had about 2 dozen close friends out of 250 students in my school and near the end I started doing pills. My junior year I spent a lot of time on forums.

My Senior year I started acting cool and started hanging out with the popular kids this allowed me to date a lot more girls and I was starting to do a lot of drugs and stuff but I had so much stress because this wasn't me. Sure I had friends and parties but that wasn't what I wanted. I graduated and went to a local Community college (I was majoring in computer science)

I started acting like me again then I had a very long serious relationship (about a year long) I was engaged to my GF we recently broke up because of her mom.

I stopped doing pills (painkillers to numb my pain) but I was put an an anti depressant (zoloft) while we still dated. Her mom would not allow her to date me or even talk to me and recently got a restraining order on me for no reason for her daughter.

Stress from court and shit really was hard on me. So I dropped out of college. My Ex told my parents about how I am bisexual because she new I was ashamed to tell my parents. I tried to kill myself and my family brought me to a local mental health crisis center. They set me up with a therapist and I am doing a bit better but still horrible.

I can not even talk to the girl I love and now I see her just dating any guy she can because she doesn't get love from any of them like she got from me it just tears me apart knowing she isn't happy either.

My parents always hassle me about how I can't get a job, and think I am just going through a phase. i have been depressed since as long as I can remember.

I want to ask for 1 last chance to join the IRC, can I please come back I promise I wont break any rules I just need the irc right now.

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Postby dandelion » Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:27 am

Hello Recidivism,

I want to ask for 1 last chance to join the IRC, can I please come back I promise I wont break any rules I just need the irc right now.

You can go to and click on Contact Us to make a plead so that the ban on you will be re-considered and probably be lifted if your ban is permanent, if it is just 48 hours, you should just need to wait until it is over and come back again to the chatroom.

(((((((((((((((( Recidivism )))))))))))))))))))))

I hope things are looking up for you, take care and be well


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