I am not worthy

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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I am not worthy

Postby Tartanhaggi » Fri Aug 11, 2017 1:08 pm

Hello every one thank you for allowing me to join. If I may I will tell you a little aboit me and why I feel the way I do.
I was born on 19th October 1965 two daya later my birth mother dumped me to go partying and never came back. I was finally taken into care at the beginning of December 1965 having been passed round her friends none of whome wanted me. After a failed adoption I was placed with a family who loved me but as the only girl made ro feel inferior to male cousins. Indeed having paased to go to High School I was told the was no point wasting education on me. All through school I was bullied and at 15 enough was enough and I attempted suicide. I failed and on returning to school I was told by a teacher that I couls not eben get that right. I was raped shortly after this and the adult I told said I got what I deserved. My first marriage was a disasters but when I tried to tell my adopted mum she would always say you made your bed you lie in it. Eventually my ex tried to kill me so I had to get out. But my second marriage is to an alcoholic man who has not worked for 20 years. Since 2011 I have lost 15 family or close family and all I keep thinking is it should have been me. I am wheelchair dependent and have to rely on my husband who did not sihn up for this. This world would ne a better place with out me.

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