Dry eyes

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Dry eyes

Postby Embodiment » Sun May 14, 2017 4:50 am

I fell ill at 17. At first I thought that I was just too tired and that's why eyes were aching. But it got worse and soon I could not open my eyes at all. I had to walk with eyes half-shut and sit at home most of the time with my eyes closed. The eyes are very light-sensitive above all. I wanted to commit suicide because of pain. I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't give up and that I will find a cure. I have been studying and working and trying to be a brave girl with pain in my eyes every day for several years. Doctors told me that everything that they can offer is moisture drops, but they do not help and evaporate from your eye in 30 seconds. I'm 26 now, and I'm no closer to finding a cure. I do not work any more and my money that I saved is coming to an end. I can not study normally, because when I concentrate on a text my eyes start aching intolerably. I can not simply go for a walk outside, because the wind is making my eyes even more dry. I feel that my eyes are as if from plastic and very hard and painful. I've been to all major eye clinics in my city and I tried to find help in Europe as well, but I haven't succeded much so far. They only said that my my meibomian glands are clogged and not producing enough secretion to keep the eye moistured. I have a very bad eyesight on top of that. All science articles I read on this say that this is not curable, and that there is not enough research. I have a family who support me, my mum was the one who showed me to many doctors and my boyfriend helped me so that I could go to Europe, but it was all in vain. I've read a lot of forums on this topic but they are only all full of stories similar to mine. Usually this illness affects women who are in menopause, who have at least children and some career, who have lived full life and achieved something, not young girls like me - I didn't achieve none of that and probably never will, with all this pain and depression. I want to poke my eyes out so that they didn't hurt and I lost hope. Now, if you were judges, would you acquit me if I said I can't take this any longer?

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