Can't cope.

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Can't cope.

Postby GawGaw87 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:57 pm

Hi everyone, new to this. So I've been diagnosed depressed for 6 years now and everything was going so good until.i started having night sweats. So my doctor in the hospital decided to change my meds. After two months of been on these, it didn't help :cry: so now for the third time I'm on yet again another type of tablet. This time they are also making me vomit and still have the night sweats. I'm having withdrawls from my other medication and side of effects of the new ones. While all that is going on I'm back feeling sad and hopeless. I don't want to be around people and have no interest in doing anything.
My boyfriend says he understands where I'm coming from cause he said he was once too depressed, so why can't I just pull myself out of this. He does try to understand and when I think he's actually does,he says hurtful things to me. Which that ends up making me feel even worse. I feel like he does want to be with me but he's now thinking that this isn't what he signed in for.
I'm just so sad lately and sick and I'm just fed up of having to deal with this. I'm tired all the time and just want my life back.

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Re: Can't cope.

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:09 am

Hi GawGaw87, welcome to forums. Nice to have you here.

The thing about medication is you do get side effects no matter what. It's horrible and some people can't put up with it.

In your case you were getting really bad side effects and needed to come off them. That's understandable. I'm sorry that happened to you.

When you said your on a different type of medication now, did you say your taking other medications? I didn't read what you said some other medication.

Have you been to see your doctor since? What has happened? Have they supported you or thought about trying you on something else?

I'm sorry to hear how your feeling. It don't help when one minute you feel your getting better then the next your not. It's frustrating and you shouldn't have to put up with it.

Glad your boyfriend is supportive and understands. I know it must be difficult for him too. Please talk to him whenever you feel down as communicating is key in a relationship. I'm sure he wants to be there for you. I think he's upset cuz he doing like seeing you upset so please try not to worry. Things will be ok.

In the mean time please keep reaching out on here x

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Re: Can't cope.

Postby TheErickDaniel » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:54 pm

What triggers your night sweats and anxiety outside of "alternative cures" ? Text me so we can have an intro, and I can help you break this problem down for good +1 714-886-6581

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