The Put A Smile On Your Face Post

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:44 pm

Well since I haven't added to this for a bit I think I will. On this bitter cold winter night I can't help but think of things that make me happy.

I miss sleeping out under the stars when the weather is warm. I miss the feeling of the warm summer air on my skin and how the wind kinda tickles when it runs through my hair.

I miss the way in spring here you can sit outside when the sun starts to go down and you hear the baby frogs come out and start to sing. Us country folk call them " peepers." The sweet sound of them singing fills my heart with so much happiness and I can't help but feel strong and alive.

I miss the way when laying out a shooting star makes it's mark across the belly of the sky as it quickly falls towards earth.

I miss the way the warm green grass feels between my toes and I can go barefoot through the fields with the hot sun on my back.

I miss watching the birds fly overhead with their wings spread so far and wide they seem to soar magically on the breeze.

I miss the soft shushing sounds the big green leaves on the trees make when the wind blows.

I miss ever so carefully catching butterflies in my hand and then letting them go and fly away.

I miss the lonesome serenade of the coyotes as it rings out over the hills and the screams of the foxes and the calls of the owls.

I miss seeing how mother nature takes out her paint brush and paints some of the most beautiful sunsets over West Virginia....

When all the rest of the world seems to hurt so much , there's no comfort better than the comfort of a country home.

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Postby emily67 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:49 am

that's lovely

you have a way with words

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Postby Nebulochin » Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:44 am

I agree with emily. Beautifully written star. :)

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Postby 100footpole » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:44 am


What I love about your I MISS post is that we all know those things will come back.

When I'm depressed its like I'm at the North Pole, and I don't even know what warmth is.

I think I will try to make a list of what makes me happy and keep it in my wallet. I will add new things to it with dates when I find them, and I will read the list when I'm down. When I'm happy it seems like there are always new things to add. When I'm not I should be able to look at the dates to know that there is always time to hope. And, after a few more entries, that hope is not just possible, its probable.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Sat Feb 21, 2015 12:20 am

Thank you all.

I like your idea about making a list 100footpole.

Ahhhh .. it's so cold here. I actually love winter and snow but every once in awhile I can't help but catch myself dreaming of summer.

( Sigh ) lol

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Postby Nebulochin » Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:11 am

A list does sound good....

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:25 pm

Yeah it does and so does a gigantic mug of hot chocolate. It's been snowing here since morning. We have about seven inches and it's still coming down. Who wants to have some with me ??? :)

I think I still have some of those cute pink marshmallows left from Valentines day that would be really cool to put in my cup.

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Postby Nebulochin » Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:02 am

Hot chocolate sounds great! I'm gonna have to have my spouse pick some up later today. It's not snowing here, rarely does more then frost and a bit of sleet, but it does rain alot. I do miss the snow though.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:23 am

I haven't posted on here in forever. Things have been pretty rough for me lately. But I wanted to post on here something that happened to a family member of mine. I sure hope it puts a smile on some people's faces. I myself thought it was pretty funny.....

My sister was taking her daughter to school one morning and was not having the best of days. My niece is ten years old and is going through that very difficult stage where she absolutely hates going to school and my sister has quite a time getting her to go.

Anyway one morning she decided it would make the trip to school more fun if they brought their family dog in the car along with them. Now keep in mind my sisters dog is a fairly large sized dog. They don't make a habit of taking him places but she thought maybe it would lighten the mood .... as my niece was angry about being made to go to school and was giving my sister " the silent treatment."

Well .... they were driving along when I guess the dog who was probably excited to be taken for a car ride all of a sudden " cut the cheese." that's passed gas for those of you who don't know what that means. lol

Huge over excited dog....passing gas.... tight closed up car...... lol. I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone what that would be like..... Needless to say the "silent treatment" my niece was giving was pretty much over. That definitely gave them reason to " talk " again.

My sister said that the dog did " it " once again after she dropped off my niece at her school and was heading home. She said this time she had to practically drive with her head out the window.

I guess it will be the first and last car ride trip for him. Gotta love those animals. Never a dull moment I guess.

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Postby 100footpole » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:40 am

I hate it when that happens to me ... and there isn't a dog in the car to take the blame.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:14 pm

Oh man that is funny. I've always said that I could out burp and out "cut the cheese" any guy any day, even though I'm a girl. I probably shouldn't say that on here .... BUT it's true. lol


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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Fri May 01, 2015 1:15 am

I miss writing on this. I just wish I had more happier things to write here. I know that I don't keep it going enough.

Something did happen a couple minutes ago that I sure hope it makes people on here smile if they read it. It's about 1 am here and I can't sleep so I was going to head outside to sit and watch the stars some more , I grabbed my blanket because it's still pretty chilly at night and walked to the front door and turned on the porch light ......

And seen the funniest thing that I've been able to see for awhile. I guess I had "company" in the night. Two very large , very fat raccoons were on porch chomping down on the cat food I left out there before going to bed.

The freaking funniest thing about it was one of the raccoons was "not too pleased" to be sharing it's food with the other. At first it kept growling and spatting and then it struck out at the other one .... when it's opponent didn't back down he ... and I swear to God this is true .. SAT down in right the middle of the entire bowl of food to keep the other one out.

And this coon was so fat that his little blubbering butt filled up the entire bowl.

The other one was scrambling around trying to get at the food so he walked behind the other one's back and tried shoving his fuzzy, little furry face down in the bowl even though the other one was sitting in it... so his face was smashed down beside the others BUTT trying to get some food.

One time I had a cat that sat in FRONT of a bowl to keep the other one out of it but I've never seen an animal sit inside the whole bowl.

I tried so hard to get a picture of them but with it being so dark I couldn't get a very good one. Plus there is glass in my front door so the flash from the camera kept making it blurry. I tried to open the door very slowly so they wouldn't hear me so I could snap a pic but they heard me and both ran away...

I guess I will have to put out two bowls tomorrow night.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:36 pm

Since I haven't added to this for a long , long time. I thought of something that makes me smile.

Okay ... I may get a few laughs about this though lol. But when I think of stuffed animals they make me feel a little better. I've collected them for quite awhile now. Mostly I get them from places like Thrift stores , Salvation Army , Goodwill .. yard sales , garage sales , flea markets .. etc

I have just about every single color , size , shape , etc.

They always bring a bit of comfort to me. I don't think they are something that we have to truly outgrow as we grow older.

Sometimes the best thing to be is a kid at heart no matter what your age.

My largest one is about four feet tall. lol

love and hugs always

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Postby specter » Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:02 pm

Not gonna lie. Been hard to think of things that make me happy, lately.

Rough guesses right now, I suppose:

    1. Eating my favorite foods
    2. Catch fireflies in my hands and then letting them go
    3. Seeing a dog in public
    4. Stealing a moment of unsuspected closeness with someone
    5. Walking around a downtown area at night
    6. Drinking coffee and listening to inspiring music
    7. Sleep!
    8. Having a good dream
    9. Having a personality trait of mine complimented
    10. Taking a hot bath

This did make me feel better. Thank you for making this thread.

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Postby 100footpole » Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:44 pm

What a great list:

I like how these two things follow each other:

3. Seeing a dog in public
4. Stealing a moment of unsuspected closeness with someone

I have two dogs. One of my favorite things is when people stop me and say "Hi, can I pet your dog?"

It's not stealing ... its a gift. :lol:

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