Quotes section

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Quotes section

Postby jj » Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:32 pm

Hmm ive been thinking about it for a few days, what about a quotes section in the ¤ * ARTS, MUSIC, CRAFTS AND HOBBIES * section. I was thinking well people could just post quotes as a post in Other thoughts feelings and messages... But i thought it could be nice to have a place where we gather and build up a catalogue of quotes that can help and stuff.

I think quotes just have that really good way of saying something profound and concise that can really help when you just need that right sentence.

I dunno if anyone else would think this is a good idea. Plus since warmsouls corner has stopped i think itd be great- I always used to love the quotes posts.

Could be quotes of things people have said, or snippets from books that have helped people, famous speeches, philosophers etc. Just think itd be nice and uplifting.

Okay thats my pitch done :P



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Postby 4EverMe » Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:41 pm

Hi jj,
I just finished answering to your Wolves topic/post. Next, I clicked on Quotes. It's quite a coincidence to see your name again, as there are so many posts!! I think your idea is a GREAT one. I love quotes. I'll have to find my notebook of quotes I've seen/heard and wrote down. For now, here's one:

"Giving up on life is easier than going through the hard times to find the good." -Joseph Parker

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Postby 4EverMe » Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:38 am

P.S. To ME, the author of this quote is being sarcastic about ending one's own life, like he's tryin to say to go through the hard times because then you'll find the good.

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