CBD and Depression

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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CBD and Depression

Postby AjFincher » Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:11 pm

Hey everyone, my name is Aj and I have been battling with severe depression for over 10 years. One of my best friends and severe depression sufferer mentioned to me the potential of cannabidiol or cbd.

He started taking cbd products over a month ago to help manage and support his daily life. Within a week of taking these products, he noticed an immediate difference in his mental state and stability. After taking these products, now he swears by them. I am still skeptical and wanted to reach out to this community for answers and clarification on this major issue plaguing me for too long.


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Postby 100footpole » Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:21 pm

Don't know much about CBD.

I do know that I could easily become addicted to alcohol ... and I am thankful that the FDA provides me with nicotine alternatives ... because if I still smoked I would probably need another job to support the habit.

How comfortable do you feel experimenting?

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Re: CBD and Depression

Postby RogerSmith » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:26 am

Hi. Is this topic still active? I am trying to deal with depression using CBD.

I just wanted to ask how it works for you?
Here I found this reading but I am not sure:

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Re: CBD and Depression

Postby cgaze2 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:37 pm

I'm reviving a dead topic. I started using CBD oil recently, & I feel as though it is helping me a lot in my overall health. I've written on here in the past & a bill for medical marijuana was signed into law in January 2019 in the Virgin Islands.

What has been helping me a lot for anxiety is Emotion Code & now CBD oil. The way Emotion Code works, it gives recommendations first to see a medical doctor, in addition to many other alternative medicine treatments where necessary (e.g. acupuncture, Rolfing, chiropractic, nature therapy, reflexology, reiki, etc.) .

The CBD oil has been helping my seizure symptoms, & I think it has helped my blood pressure/pulse. (My pulse is very high 90 something, over 100, even with medication.) I do still have moments, but my go to is Emotion Code/Body Code with a certified practitioner.

The brand of CBD oil I use has 66mg per 1mL serving at the recommendation of my acupuncturist. I think even came across a brand that has 100mg per 1mL serving for about the same price. I have resorted to CBD oil because the antiseizure meds I've tried are either too harsh on my body or don't agree with me. It has also been difficult getting in touch with or even seeing a neurologist on my island, due to the 2 Cat 5 hurricanes we suffered in 2017, as well as many people relocating after the storms.

I found that the amount of CBD in some products is just laughable, so if you're not seeing some sort of positive effect, perhaps the dosage is too low.

It's been 15 years since my 1st seizure, 8 years since the last seizure, but the symptoms have persisted for years without a way of managing to be functional. I wish I'd known about & considered CBD oil sooner. I wish it had been suggested sooner to me. I don't know if anything can make up for all the time I've lost in my life.

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Re: CBD and Depression

Postby StupidSpencer » Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:16 pm

I've tried CBD for anxiety / the calming effect it can have, and it worked pretty well. I've never tried it for depression though, please keep us updated with your progress. Thanks!

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