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The Cure Game

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:49 pm
by CitM
What if I told you that I had a medicine that was
1. Free unless you chose to spend some money on it.
2. Lifted your mood
3. You could do it alone or with friends
4. Would let you look years younger
5. Help with menstral pain and heaviness
6. Would improve your performance at work
7. Would help ward off illness
8. Would help digestion, heart, kidney function, bone strength,
9. Would help you laugh more.
10. Would give you energy if you kept taking it.

What would you say? Well there is such a thing, and it's called exercise. For many people who don't suffer from depression, or other illnesses, exercise is more of a stay trim and fit and healthier. For us, it's a necessity, like brushing our teeth or eating a healthy diet. For us, exercise isn't a perk, it's a medicine taken daily and it does work.

So what exercise to you find that you like to do? Do you have different exercise for different levels of illness?